Jun 6Liked by Bridget Phetasy

59 year old straight woman here. Similar demographic but I’m in ‘Commiefornia’ as Bridget might say. Registered Independent for over 20 years. Never liked Trump but was embarrassed not deranged over him being president. Never thought I’d consider voting for him but I can’t see voting for Democrats again, because…Covid, borders, wars, and then transing kids medically. I can only hope he’ll pick a normal enough running mate. I don’t care how deranged anyone gets over Trump.

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Jun 5Liked by Bridget Phetasy

You first letter was a choice that speaks to me. I'm not a boomer, but close. My demographics are far from Trump's typical female voter (atheist, childless, single income household, living in a large east coast liberal city). Everyone I know was better off when Trump was in office. And all but a small minority will be voting for Biden, again . They blame everything negative about the financial crisis the lower middle class are experiencing on the pandemic, which they blame Trump for, bc he was in office when it began. They literally say that don't care that he has obvious dimentia, Biden still better than Trump because Trump is evil and a sex offender. I ask how they feel about Tara Reid's treatment, give they all supported me too. They have never heard of her. Bc their media echo chamber is airtight against disent. And as you pointed out, if anyone knew how I really felt, I'd lose 75% support system. Also, I don't know a single conservative who has cut a liberal friend loose in these times, but every progressive I know has a solid list of former friends, former businesses, former family members that they have removed from their lives.

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Jun 6Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Interesting last point you make. My experience is the same--in all the relationships I know of that have ended or become estranged over Trump, none of them have fractured because the Trump voter couldn't accept the Trump hater. It's the other way in every case.

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I don’t relish the idea of people being pushed into a corner and voting for Trump even if they don’t want to. Sadly it looks like the only way. Thankfully, I am not American so I don’t have to make that choice. I do hope people who do end up being better off.

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Jun 6Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I am confused as to whether this person thinks that Trump would be spoiled by Kennedy or if it is Biden.

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Jun 6Liked by Bridget Phetasy

The writer is saying that RFK is a spoiler candidate for both of them, so a vote for RFK (instead of for Trump) will only help Biden, and writer refuses to do that.

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the way they are laying it out does not indicate that. "As much as it is enticing to think of Kennedy winning, he won't. He is a spoiler candidate and that's that, and I think him spoiling Biden's chances is better than spoiling Trump's." Thinking he will spoil Biden more than Trump logically makes him a fine choice if you want to vote for him. This is just mental gymnastics to avoid admitting that they just want Trump to win, not Biden to lose, which is fine, but just say it. It is not rank choice voting. They either calculate that he will pull more voters from Biden than Trump, or they don't. Really this line of logic is setting up a "I had to vote for Trump" strawman that does not exist.

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Well, I don't really understand your objections. Maybe that particular sentence wasn't clear, but the writer stated at the outset they were voting for Trump, so I don't think they were trying to 'avoid admitting they wanted him to win.'

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I object to unsound logic. The original premise as they state at the outset is, I am voting for Trump. They indicated they did in 2016 and 2020 whilst "holding their nose", so there is little to no reason to try and add Kennedy into the discussion. Kennedy "spoiler" is nothing but intellectual smokescreen, a red herring of sorts, designed to illicit a defense of voting for Trump. They think Kennedy is pulling votes from Trump, share no evidence of such a thing and then state they would not vote for Kennedy as he can't win while simultaneously following that with Kennedy will likely hurt Biden more than Trump. This is all like saying I wanted to paint my house maroon, but really like white except it gets very dusty and dirty looking up close so I am going to paint my house green. Kennedy as spoiler could indeed be a real thing on either side, but you'd need a lot more substantiation to convince me this crisis of conscience is not simply Biden vs. Trump.

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