Poignant story. Covid exposed who your real friends are. You are better off without them.

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Welcome to the middle. Everyone is welcome.

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A lesson about not being, or hanging out with self righteous jackasses. Big egos, moral posturing and then the chickens come home to roost.

I don’t even know if I have sympathy, if this person didn’t have the cysts she might still be an ignorant grandstanding liberal lecturing everyone.

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Beautiful story. Wonderful self-awareness. Bodes very, very well for you.

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This commentary lost me at the end with the use of "compassion". Compassion = naivete'.

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Compassion and naiveté are not synonymous at all. Along with forgiveness and love, it's the essence of Christianity for one thing. If you're saying you can't forgive someone who was naive, that = smug and self righteous.

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The cult like behavior over a vaccine made no sense then. It's absolutely crazy now, and there are still people who think like that. If we're living in a simulation I would to formally request a transfer to a different one where Trump was never president. Because I think that just broke everyone's brains.

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And I say that as someone who would never in a million years vote for Hillary.

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Sadly this isn't a surprising story to me. I've lost quite a number of friends for not going along with the CoVid narrative. Definitely makes me less willing to go hang out with many people.

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Massachusetts, and Harvard, were founded by Puritans who were fanatical zealots, and those roots run deep. Thank you for your inspiring letter and your courage in facing your mistakes. We all make them, but only the wise learn from them. You sound like you'll be a wonderful mother. Keep speaking up for a better future!

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You can feel pain over the loss and still understand and accept, that these are not true friends. Covid was a true test.

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With me, it started with defending the Covington kids to my old friends from high school. We sure did some stupid stuff almost half a century ago, maybe cut these boys some slack? (This was before the full details came out). Oh no. THESE boys were evil. Total reality check.

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Well done! Wait till you start thinking about economics. Then the lib %# really hits the fan.

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I am begging Conservatives to please read some economists that actually challenge your ideas, rather than just watching PragerU videos.

40 years of Conservative economic policy has hollowed out the middle class and devastated rural economies. Small town hospitals are closing at an alarming rate, taking away most of the few remaining, reliable & high-paying jobs that help keep local businesses afloat.

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Call me smug.

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