If we are aren't willing to consider another choice even when everything is falling down around us we know where the real problem is. We have been more indoctrinated to parties than we have to solutions. The only way I see out of this in our system is for our elected officials to be worried they will lose their jobs and have people working actively against them if they betray us. Doesn't mean you have to vote for their opponent again next time. Use the parties as tools for what you want, there is no moral compass there and I think too many think voting D or R makes them a good person and the other a bad one. That is the real problem.

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When you realize that it's the elites of either side that have created the situation we're in regardless of what the grass roots have tried to effect because...well...money it makes for a sad/infuriating/confusing/frustrated awakening.

C Short is right, one of the only ways to start to right the ship is for the politicians and elites pulling the strings to have some fear instilled in them that they'll lose their jobs or the gravy train they've been riding will finally end if they betray the campaign promises they so easily spout out like a garden hose. How do we instill that in them? Hard to say. Prosecuting dirty politicians with real charges (think treason) and consequences (not slap on the wrist fines) again might be a start but it's an uphill climb like the Everest summit for us from here

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Unfortunately if you are still willing to vote for Biden, then you are part of the problem, not the solution. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Quite the word salad.

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I share many of the same life changes. Logically, it's clear that civilization is doomed. Spiritually, the possibility of a better world allows me to endure...

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You are not alone! - Politically Homeless #49

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