I’m not implying I’m Mozart, however I will die poor and unrecognized in my time if you don’t become a patron of my work.
Free Subscribers can expect:
Our weekly newsletter with a message from Bridget and a roundup of all content and appearances from the week, PHETASY NEWS
Access to weekly installments of LETTERS FROM THE POLITICALLY HOMELESS
Access to bi-monthly DUMPSTER FIRE episodes
Access to weekly WALK-INS WELCOME episodes
Access to the GERIATRIC MOMMY blog & archives
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Access to the 20 most recent MOSTLY UNEDITED DUMPSTER FIRE episodes
Access to all episodes of FACTORY SETTINGS, the ability to suggest topics for discussion, and submit questions for the Q&A episodes
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Access to the full PHETASY “PHAM” which includes supporter-only livestreams, the Phetasy book club, and workouts for the WOMEN!
And of course access to all of our free content listed above.
Founding Members can expect:
Exclusive access to the entire archive of MOSTLY UNEDITED DUMPSTER FIRE posts.
Exclusive access to Bridget’s “VINTAGE” WRITING ARCHIVES featuring Bridget’s old columns not easily found anywhere else.
Exclusive access to Bridget’s STAND UP COMEDY sets. Watch her work out new material and follow her progress as she gets back into comedy.
And of course access to all of our free content and paid supporter content listed above.
About Phetasy