
Is Biden biting people at the White House? Will Gavin Newsom fail his way into the Presidency? Is China preparing to invade the US? Is Bridget turning into a zombie?

Subscribe to watch the full unedited version.

0:00 - Introduction

1:45 - Cancelled

1:57 - Olds-In-Charge/RIP

4:05 - Capitalism Always Wins

5:15 - Get Rekt, China

6:14 - Commiefornia

9:35 - Weather

10:04 - WOMEN!

17:28 - There's No End In Pandemic

18:49 - Conspiracy Theories We Can Get Behind

20:09 - Dumpster Diving

24:20 - Breaking Bridget

33:53 - The Internet Is Glorious


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We just want to make you laugh while the world burns.

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Podcast - Walk-Ins Welcome with Bridget Phetasy


