
This resonated SOO much! Growing up (fast lol) in the 80’s and raising my girls in the 90’s....and now at 55, single and on a healing journey, I’m waking to my “damage” and internal dialogue, and working on REPROGRAMMING! I’ve literally been meditating on this over past year! Thank you for your frank and raw honesty! 💚🌎

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Same … I thought I was the only one that felt this way.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I had to subscribe to comment on this. (That’s not a problem BTW). Just saying your piece moved me. And resonated like you wouldn’t believe. You are talking about me. Thanks Bridget. I’ve never talked about it bc I was so ashamed of it. So it’s great to hear others talk about it. Cheers. Xx

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I understand that shame so well. It almost comes from two places. Our moral intuition that we are hurting ourselves -- and guilt that we shouldn't be feeling shame at all. It's very confusing. Thanks for subscribing. We hope to make it worth it!

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Thanks Bridget. I will be sharing this with my teenage daughter.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 10:05 PM, Jan Glaser

<janhglaser@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thank you for your courage and example. There is additional damage to aging sluts and their partners. My wife was a slut...slept with well over 100 men while a waitress at a five star hotel in Russia during the five years following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Wealthy Internationals picked her up constantly and she was flattered and felt the shallow power you describe so well. The difference is in your present lives. My wife became so accustomed to being used and tossed aside that she now hates sex. We are in love, but she cannot rid herself of the past and will never know loving and enriching sex as part of a forever and deep love. I miss that as does she and we always will.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Bridget, I just love your unfiltered filter. I am struggling to read the same book. I spent years using men for fucks and having relationships with other women. Too much pain, trauma, and baggage to make it make sense. May God bless you and your sweet family. I'll always be rooting for you all.

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Amen- been there and came out the other side too. So much unnecessary, self induced pain. Thanks for this thoughtful piece. You are very deserving of your husband and daughter. ❤️

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

This is a game changer for me!!! I have a 14 year old (going on 20!) foster daughter that just moved in with us a few months ago and I never thought I would ever have to think about this subject ever again but here it is slapping me right in the face. This kid is from the streets and already highly sexualized just by the music she listens to I can tell it's a constant onslaught of bad messages like it's not important to have self respect (not sure how much she's experienced yet but I'm sure more than she should have) but with articles and shows like this (god-willing) I will help her avoid the pitfalls and downright evils that await her fully developed body - yet young undeveloped mind!!! Thanks, keep up the good work, ladies!!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I could have written this piece. Growing up Catholic in the 80s, it feels like we lived the same life. I too was using sex to fill a void. I too had low self esteem and no respect for myself. I too am now finally in a wonderful relationship with a man who respects me regardless. Thank you for speaking this truth out loud!

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Excellent article. It sparked a thought that has been swimming around in the back of my thoughts for a long time. The concept of "filling a hole" and sense of "shame" have long been connected, but I think the sexual liberation movement inverted the connection.

Growing up Catholic myself, and then drifting away from the church while carrying a disdain for "shame". I did everything in my power for years to revel in debasing myself. I learned the hard way that while the Church was ham fisted, they really did have a point.

It's as if our ancestors really did know a thing or two about living.

The thought I was having is that we all, deep down, value ourselves more than we know. It manifests itself as shame and guilt and emptiness when we act against our our best interests. Our soul, or whatever term you feel more comfortable with, never loses its sense of self worth. We know it's there, and we know it knows it is worth protecting because it tells us, repoeatedly, to be mindful of it through this sense of shame.

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subscribed due to this essay - not even that I agree or disagree but it is so clear and honest and real. I feel like Bridget's writings and podcasting has become more focused and powerful of late. Thanks.

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Hi Bridget! Wow. Wow wow wow. You nailed the emotional core of this experience. I just finished your excellent interview with Joe Rogan. That led me to here. I’m 12 years sober myself. Good stuff. Though I’m a straight man, I totally relate to your essay: Yes, I had a lot of drunken meaningless sex, and yes, it was pleasurable and yet empty. As a former alcoholic asshole, I WAS one of the guys you write about, sadly. I remember that broken look in women’s eyes, that sort of animal desire for sex as a way to prevent authentic intimacy. Now I’m almost forty and in love and sober and it’s phenomenal. I’m so glad we’re on the other side of the chaos.

By the way I just posted about the latest Joe Rogan interview with Matt Walsh. Anyway: Thank you again for your courage and vulnerability. With sexual liberation comes other sideways consequences. It’s never that simple. Our binary media desperately wants it to be. But as your essay suggests, it’s not.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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So much about this resonates. Thank you!

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Powerful and well written piece. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

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deletedAug 20, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Liked by Bridget Phetasy
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I agree with you about 1966 being the dividing line when it came to social mores and other things. I graduated from high school in 1963 and when I went back for a reunion for the entire school I realized that there was a big difference between those who graduated in my class and a couple of years behind us and the ones in my six-years younger brother and cousins' class. For one thing, they were heavy into pot and we weren't. However, I disagree about pregnancy. My high school class was a lot smaller than most, around 50 or so when we started out, because it was a predominantly rural population and even the "town" students were more rural than they'd like to admit. However, we lost several girls due to pregnancy, including some I thought a lot of. It seems to have been from getting involved with older boys, particularly college students.

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I probably should have qualified my comment. Not all of the girls who dropped out were pregnant. Some just wanted to get married. One close friend I had gone to school with all the way from first grade just wanted to get away from her Pentacostal father. Another, who was adopted at age 9, married a boy who had graduated a year or two before just to get married, I suppose. I had an aunt who was eight years older than me. She got married at 16 but stayed in school to graduate. She was not pregnant and in fact adopted two children later on. I held the girls I knew best, the ones I had grown up with and went to church with as well as school, on pedestals. I found out later they thought I was naive.

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