You have a distinctive perspective and a lot to say. Please consider writing more, whether under your name or a nom de plume. Perhaps a substack?

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One of the best testaments yet. Thank you

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Good to see you're getting some letters from people in Canada. I've felt this way quite a bit.

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That was powerful and feels true to my own experiences.

The word "communism" is triggering me.

I used to joke about being a commie, because so many of my relatives are in farming and assumed I would be one of them Ivory Tower, sympathetic listening, social working, egghead type. And, fair enough, I actually am that.

But I understand that functionally communism spreads the pain not the wealth, and that it is best to let entrepeneurs and eccentrics and wrong -thinkers do their thing (albeit within the confines of laws ratified by the people). And that the "feel good" socialism that I grew up admiring has for too many people morphed into a straight up power grab that admits no humour, dissent, or discussion.

I'm still a liberal. I can no longer call myself a leftist, I guess.

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