Lol. All of these "politically homeless" people Bridget highlight are just idiots.

Trump didn't ask Rattburger to fabricate ballots out of thin air. If you listen to the whole convo, not the one MSNBC and CNN chopped up, Trump asked SOS Rattburger to find 10k Mail In ballots where the SIGNATURES WEREN'T MATCHING. Because Trump--and everyone else with a brain--knew it was the lack of checks and balances around the Mail Ins which is how the Dems stole it.

Its been 3 years and this chick still hasn't listened to the full audio, and instead depends on CNN/MSNBC (THE SAME INSTITUTIONS PUSHING ALL THE ANTI WOMAN SENTIMENT SHE HATES) to be honest.

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Ah. Almost the same comment I was going to make that she should investigate stuff rather than listen to the news.

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PS. Do you sound more intelligent in your own head WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS?

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Trump was actively trying to overturn the election results. You’re not supporting your claim with any proof/ receipts. Why would Hice (who ran against Raffensperger for SOS) accept the results of his own defeat yet fight Trumps results? Same ballots

Again no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No evidence of signatures not matching.



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They've never done a meaningful signature verification check in Georgia because they know how it would turn up. They never did one in any state for the 2020 election except for a small sample in Arizona in which the (Democratic hired) expert said based on the sample he checked he said there is more than enough signatures that don't match to throw the 2020 election results into question.

This claim "there's no evidence" is because the states and the cowardly judiciary are fought tooth and nail to never let anyone look at the ballots. What happened in 2020 is the equivalent of a fire engine driving by a house with smoke pouring out of it but not going in stop the fire because they "We didn't see the actual flames, so there's no evidence of a fire." Rattburger himself justified switching to voting machines because they could public the redacted ballots for the world to see and demonstrate a new level of transparency. That was a lie too.

Also, Hice ran in 2022, not 2020 lol...

If the Dems and the Establishment GOP knew the signature matches would pass muster, they would do a meaningful and public signature match check. There's only one reason they refuse to do that.

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Sorry man, it seems like you up to your neck big lie bullshit. I hope that works out for you. I know Hice ran in 2022, why do you think I referenced that article? Its the same ballots. So you think Hice accepted the results simply because it was 2022? Or he knew the nonsense we has peddling for Trump wouldn't play?

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Y'all just keep beating that dead horse. Sore losers.

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I will never criticize anyone for their beliefs/choices, my argument is the vote for Kennedy.

I like him, and read "The Real Anthony Fauci".

The fact remains that Kennedy is wholly on the "climate change" bandwagon, which is disturbing.

No such thing.

Really research the topic, and you may come to the same conclusion.

I'm Canadian, so feel free to dismiss...

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I think Kennedy would be great as the head of NIH or FDA so he can clean it up and break the business capture. The fact that he is on the climate change bandwagon is too much because elites are always using it, or some other "crisis", to get more control of our lives.

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And that's how I see the whole "climate change" scam...

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Good letter except for the 10,000-vote thing. Trump DID NOT tell the Georgia SOS to make up 10,000 votes. He merely asked him to keep counting votes and ensure there we no fake ballots.

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Wow. What a great letter!! (I too would vote for Kennedy. But I won't get the opportunity, since I live in Canada. About which, the less said the better, these daze...) Here's a neat phrase Canadian (formerly CBC, now-indie) journalist Trish Wood has come up with: Truth over tribe (** I got this phrase wrong when I posted this comment; this is the correct phrase). She's getting serious flak for her views on some issues, but she believes in speaking the truth even if it offends many. I'm with her. Truth over tribe. (Feel free to check out Ms. Wood - her podcast is called Trish Wood is Critical. I don't agree with all her views on all topics, but then, I don't agree with anybody I can think of on all topics!)

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I sort if agree with you but must clarify that as someone who voted dem and lives in Georgia as well, Stacey Abrams would have been the worst thing that happened to the state

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RFK jr is pro trans ideology

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Interesting and well articulated thoughts. Overall, I fear the excesses of Democrats less than the excesses of Republicans, but I sympathize with this feeling of political homelessness. I would like a rationality and goodwill party, a party where they lead by presenting us with their solutions for hard problems and do not indulge in tedious blame games and a desire to run to a sentimentalized past.

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“I no longer see conservatives as evil. I no longer think Democrats can do no wrong. I evaluate ideas instead of picking a team. I read direct from the source. I am better for it and it rightly makes voting a bit harder.” Which is where we all should be, me thinks. And who said democracy should be easy? It’s because people expect it to be easy that we’re in the mess we’re in.

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I'm almost 77 yrs. old. I went from conservative democrat in the late 1950's to liberal democrat in the early 1960's to radically liberal democrat from the late 1960's to the early 2000's when I became a conservative republican. By 2021 I became A-political.

It's all bullshit and to think any party or person can make a difference is lunacy. ONLY Jesus saves....

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