Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Finally, a pearl! This woman has more sense than most of those Bridget has posted. Others rant, she gives reason for her position.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I absolutely love this. I feel like I could have written it (I’m 45 with three kids living in Colorado). The only thing I would add is how Biden (through Obama’s policy) empowered Iran leading to instability in the Middle East. Going with the WWIII point - this appeasement is like a green light for Russia, Iran, China, and soon Korea to attack their neighbors. Pax Americana is over.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Suburban mom here, 55, living in the deep blue south shore coast of Massachusetts and this woman is inside my head with all her reasons for voting for Trump.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I also agree with everything she stated and feel like I could have written this.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

It's interesting to me that almost all the so-called politically homeless people that get posted here parrot all the same right-wing talking points.

We have the same "energy independence" that we had under Trump which is being a net energy exporter. A trend that began under Obama, crossed into net positive territory under Trump and continued under Biden. Nothing changed.

Out of 60 million youth sports participants in the US, there are an estimated 100 trans athletes competing in girls sports. This is not the issue the culture warriors want you to believe. This is just another issue being used to divide us.

Taxes are out of control? Please tell me how your taxes changed since 2020 and what Biden had to do with it.

The Biden admin has definitely bungled the border situation. IMHO, as a true independent, that is an issue both sides suck at but at least Trump's mere presence in the White House serves as a deterrent at the border.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I hear this talking point all the time about Trans athletes and the low #'s across the country and how little impact it has. The truth is there shouldn't be any trans athletes competing in girls sports and sharing locker rooms. The fact that you are defending it simply based on meritless data point is more of a problem.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I'm not defending it, so much as saying it shouldn't be high on the list of priorities. And should be dealt with at the level where it's happening. I would be interested to know what other aspects of girls sports you are concerned about, or is this the only one?

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

It’s not being dealt with at the local level or any level whether it is high school or ncaa / college level. And it should be. A former male athlete competing with women is the issue not to mention sharing locker rooms. It poses an enormous competitive advantage and is grossly inappropriate . Biden administration is redefining sex discrimination on basis of gender identity.


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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I am not opposed to the inclusion of gender identity in the definition of sex discrimination, however I don't agree with the admin's changes to Title IX, as proposed.

I think that the issue of trans people in sports is not one that should simply be either inclusion or exclusion of all. It is something that needs to be dealt with but it's not as simple as you are making it out to be, nor is it one of the most important issues out there, considering we're talking about 0.000016% of youth athletes.

I have a daughter in sports, and I'm more concerned with the disparity in the quality of treatment the girls sports get at her school compared with the boys.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

I have a daughter in youth sports too. That’s a valid concern but I would think this is adding fuel to the fire as girls sports are not treated the same as men’s (more broadly). And it’s not complicated.

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That's the issue. It IS complicated. Which is exactly why I'm politically homeless. I do not think that anyone who just wakes up one day and says "ok I'm a girl now" should just get to join the girls team. But that's almost never the case. I don't think it's all based on one's genitals either. It is nuanced. But that take gets me cancelled by the left and shunned by the right. Anyway, thanks for the civil discussion.

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hi Brandon- Here is the data you requested on how the Trump tax plan benefitted the poor and working class. The exhaustive study was done by the IRS and the DATA clearly showed how the plan benefitted the working class. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/

On energy -We do have similar energy independence structures as Obama, the big difference is that we can feel in our wallets is Trump understood It just requires government to get out of the way so that oil companies can get at the vast supplies. He was more allowing of fossil fuels. With that said the answer to that question is more complicated suffice to say Biden admin suffered under covid and the stretch to get that energy back hit our pocketbooks.

This article explains it well. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/05/03/addressing-questions-on-energy-independence/?sh=74cfaccd1740

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@Michellep Thanks for your reply. I did not ask how the Trump tax plan benefitted anyone. The original poster said that, "taxes are out of control" and I questioned how Biden's policies changed that. Especially considering that the Trump tax plan is still in place, and will be until December 31st, 2025, unless they get repealed or extended. The Democrats did introduce legislation to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (i.e. the "Trump tax cuts"), they were unable to get anything passed.

The second article you linked to makes the point that I was making, which is that we are still energy independent, using the same criteria used to make the claim when Trump was in office. We export more energy than we import. We still import foreign oil, just like we did under Trump, and will do for the foreseeable future regardless of who is president. Gas prices are a function of supply and demand. If you want to blame anything regarding oil/gas prices on the Biden admin, the war in Ukraine would be a good place to start.

I don't like the Biden administration (I refer to the administration more than him as an individual because he's not the one actually doing anything), but because they are not good does not automatically make Trump any better. That seems pretty evident. I don't mean to come off snarky, but the fact that no one is chiming in here with anything other than more talking points from the right tells me that most of you do have a political home.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 27

I know I posted that article to support your statement i agreed. I was just stating that the tax plan under trump did well. I personally think it was Bidens executive orders that strangled trump's tax plan which relied on deregulation and cutting down on govt spending which increased under Biden as did the wars. You are also right that it was the Ukraine war that spiked gas prices. but when it comes condemning people for choosing a side, snark is not a good look, conversation is.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I'm sorry if anything I said was interpreted as condemning anyone for choosing a side on any particular issue.

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no its fine- but I do wonder, when i look at the data, Trumps tax plan worked, but why is it not working now? What could account for that?

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

Maybe - but maybe that’s the pull of the people right now- it’s a very reactionary time in the country. The reaction is, I think to the govt. trying to control the outcome of the election.

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Jan 24Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Excellent letter from #74.

Agree with everything she stated...

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I'm Canadian, so my contribution will mean little here. I could no more vote for Donald Trump than fly to the moon. Which is not to say I like Biden. As if! I'd put my vote for RFK Jr., which will lead to nasty comments, very likely (& which I'll just ignore). I'm only bothering to make this comment to give you an indication, Bridget, that your readers/followers come from a wide spectrum of thoughts & beliefs & opinions. A credit to you! (though I don't share all your beliefs & opinions. We can all agree to disagree, right??)

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I’m not a suburban mom, and I’m registered independent. If I was, I’d have to vote R if only on the basis of what’s been done to the next generation’s education and future prospects (too long to detail!) But I’ve got no party loyalty or trust anymore. I’ll have to either vote 3rd party or write in. I would love to see anyone Make America Great Again. I don’t think Trump can do it and I know Biden can’t. They’ve both had their chance, and this is no choice. - Politically Homeless 49

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An actually politically homeless take. Thank you.

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save our democracy by scrapping debates and blanking out rfk/vivek/ronpaul/tulsi/yang/dean/marianne on media and polls and stuff

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How is this letter "politically homeless"?

Your audience capture is showing.

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Bring back the monarchy!

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