While I share the letter writer's frustration, I do not understand their apparent resignation to the status quo, namely, the two-party uniparty that controls us. A few decades ago, independent candidate Ross Perot went into the California primary as the leading candidate, but he dropped out for a time because his daughter was threatened. Had Perot not done that, he might well have become president. If the letter writer truly sees Bobby Kennedy, Jr. as a good alternative to the Rs and Ds, they should work to get the word out.. If Bobby is willing to risk his life for the people of this country--something he does every day--those of us who are politically homeless can do something to help him lead us out of the mess we are in.

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What everyone fails to understand is mankind is incapable of self government. Ever since the fall of mankind we humans have been trying to prove we can rule ourselves. WELL...How's that going so far?.. Mankind without THE GOD OF CREATION as King is little more than a floundering fool looking for a life vest.

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I think we can believe in God and also feel a responsibility to work to create a better world, especially if we have brought children into the world.

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I agree, however if that feeling of responsibility is built on a foundation of humanism instead of biblical authority then effort is feckless. God's cosmic report card dosen't profide extra credit for misappropriated effort.

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"Very divisive politician?" WTF do you think Abraham Lincoln was?

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Yet another person that says things like that about Trump, but fails to give examples of what they feel makes him "divisive". I have a hunch this "feeling" of theirs comes for watching corporate media.

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Trump can be his own worst enemy. I like and give him credit for much of what he did and said, pulling back the curtain, giving us more emperor-has-no-clothes moments than anyone in his position, but if I were to go around stepping in, instead of stepping around, shit piles, then I shouldn't complain about always having to clean shit off my shoes. Stop stepping in shit piles!!! It smells!

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The "shit pies" in question are what those "emperor-has-no-clothes moments" look like to someone not willing to admit that particular emperor was no clothes.

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Valid point, Shit pies might reveal emperor has no clothes moments but shit pies might more likely ndicate a failed attempt undress a fully clothed emperor, deligitimizing a political opponent with a valid opinion or approach. Would-be emperors are frequently unreliable inauthentic arbiters of these moments. This is why it is the child that points out the fact in the original story.

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> deligitimizing a political opponent with a valid opinion or approach

Or an opinion that Steve the sailor isn't ready to admit is invalid.

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Sorry, poor edit on my part. Multitasking.

Trust but verify, my friend. Or in some cases mistrust and verify. Skeptic first.

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