Jan 3Liked by Bridget Phetasy

Boo- another Never Trumper, nothing new! Next! I want to hear from a deluded Obama voter like myself, who was tricked into thinking he was the messiah and have since realized he is the constant in many of our problems!

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Thanks, Obama!

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Bridget just wanted to say your interview with JR hit me so hard. I always thought the biggest turncoat of my teenage years was Sex and the City and Cosmo. Liars. Thanks for turning me on to Louise Perry and her book. I’m raising two daughters, it’s rough out there lol! Xoxoxo

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I wasn't even a deluded Obama voter. I saw through him before he got elected and I became politically homeless even before him when the Dems began turning their backs on the working class. But I applaud Bridget for showing all viewpoints including disillusioned Dems and Never Trumpers.

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The fact that this author thinks that Liz Cheney, who supported torture after 9/11 in a debate, is the most admirable person in the Republican Party tells me they are way off the reservation. She is and was despicable, as is her father.

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I think Liz Cheney is awful too as was her father as VP. But even this author deserves a voice. Diversity of viewpoints is good in these days of tribalism and ideological purity.

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Liz Cheney is the most admirable person in the Republican party?! Admired for being a war mongering grifter? Very embarassed for the author, she needs to study people's policies, rather than their personalities - though even a study of Liz Cheney's holier than thou personality has to be a major turnoff for anyone other than a weapons manufacturer. I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee, but I would prefer DeSantis. Not because of personality, but because of POLICY!

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Yay, someone else who’s been voting since...1984. Now I feel like I’m living in (fictional?) 1984. Am I the only one who remembers Trump being a narcissist and Biden being a plagiarizer back in the ‘80s? It’s been grift, graft, greed from these two for as long as I’ve been choosing the least worst option at the ballot. But how can I now give anyone the benefit of the doubt? Choose between the red cult of personality or the blue cult of death ideology? I’m in a 1 party blue state (CA) so my politically homeless status makes no difference to the policy elite.

- Politically Homeless #49

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thanks for writing this. i share your view on trump. its clear to me that anytime the security state needs added funding they simply turn the lights on and off in any former Ottoman area and then watch as the dollars are fed to them. Ive supported democrats all my life. But im done with them due to their support of gender ideology. Since i live in all blue California, i find myself voting for red candidates, knowing they dont have a prayer to win. imo, trump is the biggest traitor of our countries entire history and also the biggest threat our nation has ever faced, on par with our biggest wars et al. yes, i clearly recognize his narcissism as well. i hear very intelligent people voicing their support for him each week. trump brings ppl into politics that otherwise wouldnt be intrested. lets make america boring again

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My experience exactly. Thank you so much!

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No one said the author did not deserve a voice, but the fact that many of these same people think Liz Cheney is a hero all of the sudden is disgusting. Just because you dislike Trump does not make her an idol. She is a liar, big as Trump. I am 100% sure Trump is a megalomaniac. I am also going to vote for him over the current cadre of Democrats. I hate them all. Trump included. Eff him too.

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Liz is a hero because she recognized that trump attempted to overthrow the US gov. the dude hatched a plan to prevent his VP from certifying the pres election. then he was going to claim since VP didnt do election cert that somehow the election was fraudulent. there wasnt one teeny tiny or even microscopic item of evidence there was anything "rong" with election. ppl in red state wooded area just couldnt accept that people in cities hate trumps guts, right or wrong. but the cities is where all the people live. my home state of california has more population than 22 other states combined. blue state people live in a bubble too. and maybe someday they will try to overthrow the US gov. but this time it was trump. and it was only liz chenney that wasnt too chicken shit to say so. the people in elected office are supposed to be leaders. they have all the information most people dont. due to the electoral college, safe congress people in districts that will never be purple suck up to the crazys and dont govern. if they do anything other than suck up to their base. they will lose the next election, as cheeny did. she fell on her sword for the nation. while all the other super smart pols hid. traitor is as traitor does. yeah, i get it that trump told a million lies each day and some were addicted to these lies. trump BS addicts are like people on dope who rob a grocery store becuz their lying leader said to.

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You’re spoon fed, bro. An elitist spooned snob. Nothing you wrote happened. It’s an illusion and the fact you think she’s a hero tells me exactly what you read, listen to, and watch. Think for yourself!

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