Hope People Become Exhausted By Rage Politics - Politically Homeless
Real people, real letters, real problems, no solutions.
Politics these days have become so divided and divisive that it’s become the norm to view the other side of the aisle as “the enemy”. People are being told to “pick a side” and that there’s no room for middle ground. We here at Phetasy believe that there are a lot more people in the middle than politicians and the media would have us believe.
We’re collecting stories from the ever growing number of people who are finding themselves Politically Homeless and posting them here on Substack. If you have moved from conservative to liberal, or liberal to conservative, if you feel you’ve stayed in the same place and your party has swerved drastically away from you, if you had a moment that awakened you to the insanity and hypocrisy on both sides, if you keep your mouth shut anytime a political topic comes up because you’re afraid your opinion will cause you to lose friends or your job, you’re not as alone as you might think.
Our goal is to shine a light on people’s earnest, individual experiences and show them they’re not alone.
Some letters have been edited for clarity and brevity. If you’re politically homeless and would like to share your story, please email us at iampoliticallyhomeless@gmail.com. All submissions will remain anonymous.
Letter 61:
March 29th, 2023
I've always been politically homeless. Growing up during the Reagan/Bush era, I couldn't stand the hypocrisy of the "Moral Majority" types. The AIDS epidemic (mismanaged by Anthony Fauci) was used to terrorize everyone about sex. Reagan's "war on drugs" ramped up, swelling the already-large number of people finding themselves locked in cages over minor possession charges. Frank Zappa became a hero for me when he faced down the PMRC (featuring Al and Tipper Gore) over their desire to censor records. I delighted when televangelists were exposed in sex scandals. I had began embracing the Left when they were anti-censorship, anti-war and anti Establishment, and as a rebellious sort, I saw the conservative Right as a (hopefully) dying breed.
Things took a turn during the Clinton years, when the Left began to lose its distinction from the Right. The aging idealism of the Left dissolved into the war state with Kosovo and Iraq, and Blowjob Billy's fear-stoking over terrorism began to dominate the narrative. NAFTA was implemented, selling out American workers. The tragic Branch Davidian siege mismanaged by Janet Reno ended in conflagration, and the Oklahoma City bombing became the test bed for even larger future false-flag terror events. I wouldn't know the depth of the damage done by the Clintons for years, as it took a while for me to become fully aware of their excesses.
After Bush Junior spectacularly stole the 2000 election, I became livid as I watched him staff his cabinet with people who would undo all the the hard-won social and environmental gains I had become accustomed to. Then 911 happened and everything turned to shit. As a person who was deeply influenced by Buckminster Fuller's "The Critical Path", war was offensive to my deep dedication to the principle of efficiency. The subsequent Afghanistan war seemed unnecessary, and when the Bush machine started creating links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida, I started smelling a rat. These events began an obsession with politics and history that has proven difficult for me to shake off.
Years of independent research into 911 convinced me that it was an inside job, and the emergent security-industrial complex was the result of years of a combination of foreign policies designed to create terrorists, as well as staged false-flag attacks and FBI frame-ups to justify its formation. We also saw the first glimmers of the bio-terror state during those years, beginning with the anthrax attacks (also an inside job) and then onward through Bird Flu, SARS, Ebola, etc.
When the Obama administration took over the White House, I was hoping for some sanity, but my hopes were immediately dashed when he turned his back on his pledge to close Guantanamo and took up where W left off with the wars in the Mideast, adding several more to the list. By the end of the Obama years, all of my identification with the Left had evaporated.
On the eve of the Trump election, I was involved with a theater production. The cast were all nervously checking their phones during the rehearsal, and when the election was called for Trump, there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth onstage - it was a pitiful sight. By then I was so jaded that I didn't cast a vote, nor was I concerned much about who won - I figured no matter which clown took office, the rest of us were screwed, and so all this drama about Trump was kind of funny to me. All those Liberal tears...
Although I couldn't bear to hear Trump speak and his obsession with Twitter was comical to me, life was pretty good for me during his years in office. I agreed with a lot of the actions he was taking, particularly his attempts to disentangle us from foreign drains on our resources, and his goals of bringing manufacturing back into the US. His administration was more besieged by the Left than Clinton's was by the Right, and I thought that was hugely unfair. Understandable, with his campaign promise to "drain the swamp", but extremely unsportsmanlike. And the arrival of Covid in his final year seems like a planned event to take him down. Fauci returned (was he ever gone?) to recap his mismanagement-of-pandemics role, and somehow Trump didn't fire him, to his own detriment.
And then the backlash happened, and our great country got a spindly, dementia-ridden 50-year politician whose unremarkable career was spattered with constant lies, flip-flops, and support for everything I'm against. Half the population now seems mentally ill, not very surprising after lockdowns, masking, closed schools, useless (and probably harmful) vaccines and the constant drumming up of fear of things we can't see -- and one another. It now appears that this mother of all bio-terror events was financed by our tax dollars and concocted by dark figures working in secret in a hostile country. Now that a general Covid exhaustion has set in, the pivot is toward fear of "climate change" (has the climate ever NOT changed?), and all this green-washing is accompanied by jingoistic propaganda designed to prolong an extremely anti-green war on the other side of the planet. Staying sane seems like a full-time occupation these days.
And still I remain hopeful. The human spirit still lurks, and I'm finding more and more people who see through the veil of deception cast over the world by evil elites, cowardly politicians, mad scientists and a corrupted 4th Estate. Although I'm concerned about the next swing of the pendulum and what additional madness that might bring, my hope is that people will eventually become exhausted enough by rage politics that they will calm down, begin to focus on the things we all have in common, and begin to build toward restoring systems that allow these human needs to be met. It may take a while, maybe longer than I have left. But history shows that tyrants can be defeated, empires fall, and the human race prevails. If we can avoid the ultimate mad act of wiping ourselves out, things will improve.
Politically Homeless
Awesome comment, agreed with all
A bit of an optimist 😂