Yay we have to connect! I thought I was the only politically moderate, libertarian-leaning person in Los Angeles. My letter is #42. Big Tomas Sowell fan here too, feeling very lonely indeed.

Rozemarijn97@yahoo.com (my name is Roze)

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I know this feeling well. I had to vote for a party that I knew wouldn't win anything for moral reasons. Because I couldn't bring myself to vote for the ones who would. However, I can't say I agree with almost all of their platform ideas. But I agreed on at least one, which made it the only thing I could do.

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‘Happily voted for Gary Johnson’ is not a sentence I’d ever thought I’d read!

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Bridget, if your posting of these letters is doing anything, it's showing just how ignorant too many voters really are. They have no clue what the constitutional role of government is, which isn't surprising since the media, who are really propagandists, throw out so much pure ole dee bullshit and call it truth. I'm probably the only one who read this letter who knows what the Mises school is, sort of. I subscribe to Lew Rockwell and actually read an article he posts - once in a while. It appears that many voters, perhaps too many, think the role of government is to effect some kind of social change, which iIS what socialists and Communists believe, but it's not the role envisioned by those who drew up the Constitution, who saw government's role as providing a common defense and governing interstate commerce. They deliberately limited the role of the national government and left all powers not delineated in the Constitution to the individual states. They established the role of the president as essentially to be responsible for relationships with other nations through the appointment of ambassadors and to command the military and the militia in time of war. Presidents ARE NOT the "commander-in-chief" of the nation! I fear too many - most - now see the presidential election as a personality contest, not realizing that prior to the advent of television and television news those outside of government had no clue what the personality of presidents actually were - and then TV covered up the sexual immorality of JFK because he was their fair-haired boy. Then historians come along and puff up their favorite president, as with Lincoln, who is held as one of our greatest presidents because he "freed the slaves" when he actually precipitated a terrible war in which close 3.4's of a million Americans died. Few Americans know that Lincoln was only elected with 32% of the vote and that his primary supporters were German Communists and American socialists, as well as the abolitionists who wanted to kill every man, woman and child in the South., or that Lincoln had invented an idea of "the Union" that wasn't carried over into the Constitutional United States.

At this point, we don't know who the candidates are going to be. Yes, Trump and Biden are the front-runners but Biden may drop dead and Democrats are going to do their dead-level best to see Trump in jail (when what he is accused of doing is nothing like what Hillary Clinton did by using a public Email server.)

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