Wow. So well-put. These are frightening times. To put it very mildly indeed.

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“I have to conclude that propaganda with malicious intent is at work.” Correct, although of course the propagandists imagine they are doing this for the public good. We are all living in an information sewer, where no one can be sure where the truth lies, and everyone is deep down frightened. Society is as a result on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

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What point is this German trying to make? Yes, the US built a lot of airplanes during World War II but so did Germany, Japan, Great Britian and the Soviet Union. What does the OJ trial have to do with anything? Many of us knew the prosecution hadn't proved their case and he would be acquitted. That's what the US Constitution is all about, particularly the Fourth Amendment - INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty!

Yes, there is a middle in America and there always has been. Granted, the media is controlled by Democrats, except for FOX News, and there are right-wing websites spewing as much bullshit as the left, but there are still millions of Americans, at least about half the population, who are in the middle on most things.

Learned English from left-wing radio? No wonder this person is screwed up.

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Your type of nihilism is symptomatic if the sad terrible decaying.

Truth exists

Stop playing as if you don’t know that.

Discover it snd stand for truth.

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