So exactly the same here! Thanks for your letter, mine will be published soon, look out for it. I am dealing with political bubbles on both left and right like you, with absolutely zero overlap. The polarization of the news does not help: both groups feel you have to be either with them or against them.

I would be a democrat in Texas but a Republican in California. It's ridiculous that people can walk around with AR-15's that can kill large groups in minutes, but its equally ridiculous to have no repercussions for crime (you can walk into a store and steal up to 900 dollars worth of items without consequences here in CA).

Lastly, I am tired of the left blaming everything on society and censoring or forcing quotas on everyone. I think hard work should be rewarded not punished; equal opportunity for everyone but the outcome should be up to you.

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Well Emma sounds like my girl! Piss the gun off and she’s got a new Australian friend in me.

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It's probably dangerous to feel too defined by a political party. If you cannot be friends with people of opposing beliefs, that might be an issue. Can you respect the viewpoints of people who like Trump or empathize with why he speaks to them? I think he can act like a child, but I appreciate his foreign policy. Perhaps others have their own reasons? Deifying any politician is a foolish move. Some are better at hiding their immorality than others.

Are you able to be friends with people who are opposed to abortion? Or those that are anti-gun? I think even if you disagree if you can discuss and respect viewpoints... or at least understand why they came to that conclusion... it can be a lot easier. That being said - I'm used to being on the opposing side - always been the most conservative of my very liberal (in the '90s, at least) mates.

You should celebrate that you have viewpoints that don't fit neatly into either political party!

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I'm surprised when people don't have an opinion on government MANDATES to take a new vax, to FIRE people from their JOBS, and tell them they are the CAUSE of the transmission of a virus...that the vax is supposed to protect against.

That didn't bother anyone else?

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I am coming to the conclusion that the people who write this stuff are mentally ill. This person starts off by expressing hatred for a former president. Then they go on and on and end up crying about the "two-party system," which is not a system at all but is actually the creation of party hacks who prey on those who think they have to join something. As I've pointed out numerous times, roughly 40% of Americans do not identify with either party. In fact, something like 19 states don't register by party. This person needs to get a life and stop whining and evidently pissing people off.

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