A couple of things. First, I doubt that anyone really knows what alternate-right really is, not even those who claim to be alt-right. Second, Abe Lincoln was a Republican but he was not the first nor did he found the party. It was founded by abolitionists during "Bleeding Kansas" with the intent of promoting legislation to abolish slavery. Their first presidential candidate was John C. Fremont, the same Fremont who governed California after the Mexican War.

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I think maybe the writer meant first Republican President.

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I can definitely relate to this. I'm an Gen X-er, was very rebellious, into punk, then later political causes, human rights groups etc.. Definitely considered myself more left/liberal. I'm now in my fifties, and I don't think fundamentally I've changed (still love punk and care passionately about injustice, the environment, education..) yet somehow I would probably be placed 'on the right' now due to my doubts on certain issues (or trying to be in the middle, rather than being completely on board with, certain hot button issues) and due to the fact that I think Jordan Peterson often makes a lot of sense! I think the goalposts have moved, and a lot on the left are more about virtue signalling than tackling real working-class issues. Where I'm from (the U.K) I think Brexit really exposed the divisions. In the States, maybe it was Trump. Not to mention, Covid, which divided us all.

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Definitely feel this. I had similar ideas about CoVid though thankfully people were eventually going to become more sane.

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