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I also love planting trees. I planted two pear trees at my family cabin last year. In early spring, a rabbit came and girdled the entire trunk (ripped off the bark) of the larger tree. This kills the tree and I was heartbroken. But before I ripped it out of the ground I did a little research on whether it was possible to save a sapling in this state. It turns out you can cut it down to just under the damage and the tree will send up a new shoot that will replace the trunk. If it sends up more than one you just trim the others away as they sprout. Trees in this state tend to grow quickly because the root system is large and established. It seems to be growing about an inch or so every few days— a nice reminder of the tenacity of nature.

My absolute favorite tree is the Larch, though. They grow natively in my area, and there are a number of them on the property where I’m building my home. They are conifers but change color in the autumn — a glowing orange to yellow, appearing after the deciduous trees have peaked. I tend to think of them as a symbol of late-life parenthood — their colors blazing bright long after all the others.

A picture: https://changingseasons.substack.com/p/larch-season-f217f9476847

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