Phetasy News - Let It Be
MAGA: The Gathering, Comedy Is A Mental Illness Factory, Factory Settings - 2023 Wrap Up, I Am Far From Alone - Politically Homeless & Limited Edition Holiday Merch!
Merry Christmas from the Phetaverse!
Despite all the fear swirling around, I’m leaving this year in a zen state of mind. As anyone with kids (and even those without them) knows — children will get obsessed with a song and have you play over and over and over and over. Like an extended joke in Family Guy, the song goes from amazing, to annoying, back to fully appreciating the structure of the song and falling in love with it all over again. My child’s current obsession is “Let it Be” which is a heartbreakingly beautiful song, especially on the heels of a year with so much sudden, tragic loss of life. And yet it contains so much wisdom.
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
The Child’s other current obsession is the Universe. The stars, the moon, the planets. She points at the moon and Jupiter at night. She loves to watch the short National Geographic videos on each planet and it’s truly mind blowing stuff. None of it makes any sense. The fact that we have water and oxygen and are just these beings flying and running around this magical planet taking it all for granted is miraculous. When contemplating one’s existence in the face of eternity and the quickness with which it can all be snuffed out—it makes me feel extraordinarily petty when I consider the majority of what makes up my thoughts and grievances.
This year my intention is to let more be and take less for granted. Hoping you’re all having a beautiful day.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
Thumbnail artwork by Lara Cullen.
Email to inquire or contact her.
It's pretty nuts how amazing (& miraculous!) life is, yet how much we take so very much for granted. Silly humans. (I'm a mad devotee of gratitude. It's really saved my ass! I even have a whole section on my "old" site with quotations - & postings - about it. Dive in if you like!! )
My Mom had Let It Be on 8-track tape when I was a kid. 8-tracks would play on an infinite loop. I'd put it on and let it play over and over. Listening to it now always takes me back.