The man who invented aluminum can pop tops died this week. He died poor. Negotiate for yourselves.

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Across the sparkling snow-covered lawn and through the leafless trees, I am elated to see the sun glistening on Lake Superior.

I am new to wearing pyjamas, and I still find novelty in how snug they make me feel.

My mother sounds healthier today, and I am relieved.

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I’m graciously savoring live entertainment in ways I never did prior to Covid lockdowns when I took it all for granted.

I enjoyed seeing Louis C.K. live last weekend demonstrate hilarious irreverence that would surely offend everyone from conservative Christians to politically correct liberals.

This weekend I’ll attend the tale of Sweeney Todd and enjoy a play for the first time in I don’t know how long.

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The wind has swung around from north to south and is blowing a gale. Dark grey clouds move slowly north over green mountains and a silver sea. I won’t mind if it rains as I’m working indoors all day, plastering my walls and laying a damp course and a new planked floor.

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The Thai food I had for dinner was amazing.

I don’t want to work this weekend, but I probably should – too much to do.

TV is my best friend.

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Listened to "Come Sail Away With Me" last night and wondered if all this time, my dorm ballad is actually an Ode to Scientology. Cruise ships have (almost) every type or governmental and societal structure, but in service of capitalism because ultimately, everything is and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. I'm a strict pizzaterian.

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I need the courage and confidence to break away.

I wish my cat could talk to me.

I think he's the only thing that gets me.

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I love this. "I wish my cat could talk to me." I feel like you could do a whole prompt on that. If he could talk to you, what would he say?

Maybe we will do this!

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Yoga on my bedroom floor always seems todo the trick when it comes to relaxing at the start of my day or the end. Hugs from my pups Harper are a constant source of oxytocin. Endings are insanely hard for me.

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