Had mine at 39 and 40. It’s a beautiful miracle for we “late” Mom’s. It IS terrifying and awe inspiring and we all secretly spend 9 months begging God not to take it away from us. You deserve to know this kind of love that is truly the greatest love of all. I will pray for you because I’m pretty good at that part. Had a lot of practice. God bless.

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The best thing is, God gives parents babies. He doesn't start us with toddlers or 10 year-olds. Baby parents grow with their baby kids.

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Had mine at 39, 41, and 43. They are 9, 7 and 5 now. Best thing that ever happened to me! Glad I had all those years to gain wisdom and patience. Best to you! ❤️

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I had 2 babies in my 30's and 2 babies in my 40's. One at 40 and the other at 44. You will do great! We joke about being geriatric parents all the time :).

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I'm also traveling this path "later." I love your posts; I had a similar epiphany in my late 30s, and also grappled with the very-real fear that it was too late. Congrats to you, reading your essays brought a tear to my eye.

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Jeren. Pregnancy. So much life since we last saw one another. So happy for you. So damn happy. (You're also a hell of a writer.)

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While I can't currently subscribe at a higher rate, I will read whatever you offer me. As a father of four, I will also add how happy I am for you and your husband. Oh, and you have to go on Gutfeld again. That was one of his best nights!

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So happy for you, I was nearly in tears listening to you on Joe Rogan. Praying like crazy for you.

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SO happy for you both, I am sure you will both be amazing parents! Don’t overthink it, just love & enjoy! Nice to see you so happy Bridget!!!

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My soon to be wife was born after her mother got pregnant with her at 42 while wearing a birth control device. Pretty happy it happened :)

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Can’t wait to follow your journey. I’m 35 and have been struggling to get pregnant, your story has given me hope.

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I was born when my mom was 43 years, 2 months. And I’ve got a younger sister who was born when mom was 45. I’m an engineer and my younger sister is a psychiatrist and we’ve both formed our own families now. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

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Congratulations Bridget!! My youngest children were born when I was 43 so I can relate to the "geriatric" parent thing. I can tell you that having kids when you're older helps you feel younger. The only real downside is that it's harder to match their level of energy sometimes. (Especially little boys.) But there are advantages too. I know I'm much more mature than I was at 29 when my first was born. Anyway, congrats again! Wonderful news!!

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I went in to peri-meno at age 31 and after 9 long years, age 40, it was over (had premature ovarian failure as well). You'll be a wonderful mom, Bridget. Some of us don't get the option, miracles do happen. Be well & congrats.

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Many best wishes for a happy mommy hood! But first, get a new OB/GYN!

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Yo congratulations. At nearly 42 I'm having my first child, my pregnant partner has a son to a previous relationship, is the same age, so I'm looking forwards to reading about your journey! Geriatric pregnancy gang!

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