1 Comment

It's the future, sometime in May I think. The world is fcked. Sorry


Do the Catholics kick kids for getting preggo out of wedlock?

Chapelle lol

I will introduce the band: Anti-Flag. Song: " 1 trillion dollars"

"Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes. Love, Alfalfa."

Little Rascals or JOebama

Member Hanson ?

JOebama is still President. How, still?

Goes through my brain the most.

Phillip k Dick's "Electric Dreams"

"Free willieyxz "

The phone is the robot

You could probably pull a wicked Cruella DeVille


Main Stream Misinformation

They should be given a goop candle. could be the accolades.

Baby powder candle

South Park on X: "You're watching the History Channel -- where the truth is HISTORY"

"Fun with Dick and Jane "

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