@maggie I am not doing well. The little dumpster fire that could is the one of the things keeping me going

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Please do not give up. I want to believe.

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How do I know if I am listening to the unedited version

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The DNC stole the position from Cornel West.

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You're telling me there is reasonable media?

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*and rational

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Didn't take the Olympics long to yoink your video on YouTube. Nevermind it's Fair Use, don't make them look bad.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Hope, I enjoyed seeing her in the early years of Dumpster Fire in your bunker in California. Also, this episode got blocked on YouTube by the IOC... they're doing this with a LOT of videos.

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Also I meant to type Hope

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Lucky for me it is 1:11 and that means that something something something idc idk idc that idk

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Maggie I am feeling the loss of hope.

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So very sorry for your loss young lady! It's always so hard to lose a family member like that.

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