You missed the greatest killer of dogs: Anthony Fauci. Beagles. Cut vocal cords. That how you know there was more than one experimental run: How did they know to cut the vocal cords before demonstrating the gain of function research to Herr Fauci? How do I know it was GAIN OF FUNCTION?!? They injected the beagles with deadly viruses; they attached the starving sand flea infested mesh hoods to the most vascular area, the face. The objective of the “research” was to create a vector. That the sand flea would take on the virus and transmit it to another host. Can anyone guess what that “other host” was proposed to be? 🤔🤔

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Whut iz yer blogs address?

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Also, as an American, I am not totally against killing dogs. A dog but my nephew and gave him 15 stitches. That dog couldn't have been put down fast enough.

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