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So much content. What if you had all your writings from the server that was deleted backed up. Wrack your brain and try to write things that you remember from that experience. See if you can complete one of your 1000s of pages you once did. A thought exercise to help recall .

I prefer the Foundation book series/ Enders Game saga.

Warm up your voice for me minutes and your impressions will be x times better. Warmup for everything. Red leather yellow leather. Me ma me ma me ma me ma meeeee, Alternating tones up and down

Fix the forest fires you Climate Change Crazies. I would like to see a climate change fact sheet. From 20 different independent studies. Do you think they would all align in their fact finding ?????

How many fires have we had since this episode. 1 billion + koalas / half of Greece/ Hawaii/ California/ Texas etc...

Wef agenda 2016 why do civilizations collapse.

Define racism, wokism, what is a women , keep moving your goal posts you twatters.

It's like their driving a wedge between men and women this decreasing the chances of kids . Depopulation.

Like spam emails. What is the original senders email address. If the email address is from sclflrurbvdh200206@gmai.com or yahoo.com etc.

Sounds like it's legit durka dur

Just because your boobs can be free, probably not the best idea to expose those to fking kids that haven't hit the age of puberty. I wonder why we have a porn problem. Maybe billboards and just the malls before they were turned into illegal migrant housings. Malls are overstimulation.

Pretty sure you brain goes crazy if you eat people. May she was eating people.

Where did AOC come from. Another worm? I think we should have the Phetasy community in Congress. # Phetasy for Congress. # Believe in Bridget..

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