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Your intro is super crazy in sound for this one .

Words oh no .... I'mmmm mellllltiinggggggt


Presidential apprentice= Trump fires people from the White House.

"Always see it on T.V.

Or read in the magazines

Celebrities who want sympathy

All they do is piss and moan

Inside the Rolling Stone

Talking about how hard life can be."

name that Band ??

Everytime I hear a shot clock buzzed. I say CAaaanCcelled

People forget songs, a shit ton of songs, come from before Y2K .

I bet they don't even know what good art is. LACMA, IMA, Eiteljorg Museum.

Evert parent should invest time in taking their children to a Children's Museum. If they haven't be Covided !.. or not, we had som many memories in: museums, parks, theme parks, zoos etc..


Pretty sure someone should see how much brake dust is being breathed in everyday.

Fats, Olds, Youngs

The Disabled 🤦 the Wheelies lol

The people who put the adjective before the person = some type of a ism

Racism, sexism, ageism

Gold fish brains.

I say prove the" trip "

You mean the Sun Setting lol

Where is the male diversity on the view ????

I mean as a host ..

Just use their rules against them




Give up


Lol the beginning of the last 5 minutes

KvKnight armoured vehicle

I never killed my self if anything happened either.

Not unless you shit blood

Fcking Mulvayney.... It should get a chronic disease that sucks you energy from you, morning sickness from medications/ food. Losing your mind from meds. Withdraw from meds . Go fuck your self Mulvayney

My rant sorry not sorry


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