This was a fantastic conversation. So lively - so intelligent! (I wish I'd commented right after I watched - life got in the way & it's been a few days now.) I really enjoyed the back & forth between the two of you. Your guest talks so fast!! I wanted to make a comment about my life & my brand of feminism. I'm 71 now (an "old" in Bridget's terminology), so I was young when I got going on it - in some ways thanks to my Mom, a feminist (born in 1920) who I'm pretty sure never thought of herself that way. (She went out to work when this was simply not being done in her social circle of very well-off airline pilot families. Just did it 'cos she had to. Long story, details not important.) Point being, when it came my time to have children (early 1980s), though it was considered very un-cool to stay home, that's what I chose for myself. I had a good job ... but I wanted to be home to raise my kids. I got dumped on & condescended to by other women who didn't seem to "get" that the idea of "the women's movement" was supposed to be that we all got to choose what we would do - not just follow some old dogma that had been laid down for us. (Life is very different now! My ex-husband & I were able to swing a mortgage on 1 salary - almost not do-able anymore.) What so many of us seem to have lost is our ability to think for ourselves! We just follow the crowd (apparently this is right there in our wiring - a "compulsion to comply" & go along with the "herd.") Well. Those of us with intelligence & gumption & courage can still be strong & use our voices & unique gifts to help make the world a better place - which both of you are deeply engaged in. So ... thank you both for that!!

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When I glanced at the title, I thought it was a reference to Cousin Maggie. I like your guest's main point. Capitalism.

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I appreciate aspects of this conversation but have a small nitpick... the reference to "extreme far right" parties in Europe -- this incorrectly accepts the "cordon sanitaire" propaganda and reflects either a misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge about populism in Europe.

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