Donald Trump Is A Cardboard Burger - Politically Homeless
Real people, real letters, real problems, no solutions.
Politics these days have become so divided and divisive that it’s become the norm to view the other side of the aisle as “the enemy”. People are being told to “pick a side” and that there’s no room for middle ground. We here at Phetasy believe that there are a lot more people in the middle than politicians and the media would have us believe.
We’re collecting stories from the ever growing number of people who are finding themselves Politically Homeless and posting them here on Substack. If you have moved from conservative to liberal, or liberal to conservative, if you feel you’ve stayed in the same place and your party has swerved drastically away from you, if you had a moment that awakened you to the insanity and hypocrisy on both sides, if you keep your mouth shut anytime a political topic comes up because you’re afraid your opinion will cause you to lose friends or your job, you’re not as alone as you might think.
Our goal is to shine a light on people’s earnest, individual experiences and show them they’re not alone.
Some letters have been edited for clarity and brevity. If you’re politically homeless and would like to share your story, please email us at All submissions will remain anonymous.
Letter 56:
Greetings from a very reclusive Phetasy subscriber. I became aware of your community back when Bridget swapped podcast appearances with Jonah Goldberg several months ago.
Okay, so I'm from the deep south, grew up conservative, my dad was a very devoted Rush Limbaugh 'dittohead'. I still consider myself conservative, but no longer Republican. I am stunned at what's happened to that party the last seven years.
So about the title of this email - Donald Trump is a cardboard burger. Allow me to explain. Imagine you walk into a fast food place and order a burger. You get the burger, sit down, and take a bite. Instead of a beef patty, there's a...piece of cardboard. You think to yourself, “How in God's name could that have happened?”
As you take your food back to the counter to complain, you look around and notice - the other customers not only have cardboard on their burgers, they're eating them as if nothing is wrong.'s cardboard! It's not food! It's not really even edible! What the hell is going on?? Nope, everyone's chowing down anyway.
That is how I felt when Donald Trump got the GOP nomination, never mind when he got elected. This jerk has no business being president, and way too many people are perfectly fine with it. I grew up feeling that Democrats were the crazies, but Republicans were sane and grounded. Apparently they're all nuts now?
Lemme cut it here before I just start rambling. Keep up the great work, keep those unicorns dancing.
Politically Homeless
Some letters have been edited for clarity and brevity. If you'd like to share your story, email us at All submissions will remain anonymous.
As an outsider(from India), DJT (as so many have pointed out since 2015) is a symptom of our times. He was the president we deserved. Also, I have a feeling that the sequel (2024 elections) won't be as good as the original (2016 elections)...
Another in a long line of great letters sadly all too common.