Phetasy News - Knowing Your "Why"
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Greetings from the Phetaverse!
This week on Walk-Ins Welcome, Chris Williamson presented the question, “Why are you doing this?” We were talking about the tendency to focus on metrics or results as opposed to process and remembering “the why” of what we are doing. In one of Sam Harris’s daily short meditations, he also noted that mindfulness is being fully aware of what you’re doing — and why. When you approach everything in your life that way, it becomes very clear what you should and shouldn’t be spending your time on—or giving your attention to.
Since I’ve been back to work after having Matilda, I’ve been very conscious of the kind of content I’m putting out into the world. As I’ve mentioned, almost everything I do is so that I can connect to people and make them feel like they aren’t alone and make them laugh. When Maggie compiles the newsletter I get a chance to look at what we are creating every week and I have to say—I’m really proud of it. It all goes back to the Phetasy “Why?”
As Factory Settings #SoberOctober winds down, it reminds me of another “why.” To be of service. So many people have helped me along the way and it’s not an exaggeration to say a handful, Maggie being one of them, have saved my life. It’s not all about metrics and optimization and analytics. It’s about connection and laughter and giving back. When I stay focused on that, my purpose, the fact that I get to work with my brilliant cousin and talk to all these interesting people, that I get to create something with my husband (not just a baby), that I get to know and hear from so many of you—it makes my heart glow. Thank you for your attention. I will never take it for granted.
Thumbnail artwork by Lara Cullen.
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