Phetasy News - It's Not About You
Dumpster Fire Is A False Flag, Dr. Drew Thinks Addicts Are Great Survivors, Are We Just Frauds?, I Won't Talk Politics With My Wife & Merch!
Greetings from the Phetaverse!
I was recently interviewed by fellow Substacker, Max Raskin, whose hook is random questions,“small details from big names.” He asked me if I have a daily spiritual practice. Well, I used to, and then I had a child. Now grabbing whatever sleep I can grab is my religion. The closest I come to a routine these days is waking up and saying my favorite prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous, the “Third Step Prayer” with my husband.
God, I offer myself to Thee-To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!
I guess it’s better than nothing, but I can feel when my spiritual life and practice are suffering because I get lost in attachment to results. I’ll focus on analytics and subscribers and followers and views and decide that I don’t measure up and I should probably just hang it up and quit everything. I start future tripping. I focus on my financial insecurities and what I don’t have.
When I’m “on the beam” spiritually I trust I’m exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to be doing, being provided for. Thy will be done and all that. Even though I’ve never really been able to discern between “God’s will” and my will and when Max asked me if I believed in God, I said ‘yes’ but a little voice inside of me immediately said, “Do I?”
Faith is a weird thing when you really try comprehend it—because it’s incomprehensible—and I’m often filled with doubt. But it does offer me a psychological life raft as I drift in the existential tempest that is being human. The bondage of self limits my ability to be of service, to tap into all the hundreds of daily miracles and gratitudes. Faith gives me the opportunity to realize, every day, that it’s not about me—and in my experience—that’s better than nothing.
Thumbnail artwork by Lara Cullen.
Email to inquire or contact her.
Future tripping hahaha 🤣. Trust faith. I'm not there yet either 100 percent of the time. But that's why they call it faith. At 56 years old I bought the CSB study bible. I was raised Catholic, scary shit. I'm still technically catholic but I have no use for church. They are money making scam artists. So my faith is with God, or whatever created us, or aliens. Anyhow, I'm
on this trek to at least read the God instructions manual. I'm one percent in, and I cheat by skipping ahead. Sorry God. But one quote that has always hit me sideways like a linebacker is: "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." That one hits me square in the balls. I believe that one.