Phetasy News - Just Keep Going
Dumpster Fire 98 - Populism Has A Point, Factory Settings 5 - Bridget's True Love Is Marijuana, Ariel Pink Didn't Know It Was Illegal To Vote For Trump, Purple Pill Moment & NEW MERCH!
Greetings from the Phetaverse!
This week I had the opportunity to work in a writer’s room with a bunch of brilliant comedians, many of whom I’ve looked up to and admired for a decade. So much of “making it” in this industry is just sticking around long enough and persisting. Working through your own demons and fears and insecurities and in my case, imposter syndrome. In the face of rejection and poverty, for decades I’ve repeated one mantra: JUST KEEP GOING.
The experience in the writer’s room was affirming, but it was also challenging for a number of reasons—the primary one being that I now have a child I have to arrange care for when I’m working. One day, I brought her to the job (this is the beauty of having a woman run the show). Today, I left her behind for the longest stretch of time since she was born. I can’t speak for her—but I definitely had separation anxiety.
At one point, I was in a spare room pumping breast milk, listening to everyone pitch jokes in the room next door. They were laughing hysterically, setting up premises, and tagging punchlines. It was a joy to hear them having so much fun, creating together. I was thinking about how 2010 me would have absolutely killed for this job. But 2022 me, the woman sitting alone in the room with the breast pump, just missed her baby.
Life is funny like that. When I got sober my sponsor told me that most of the things I thought I wanted would change—and many things I had no idea I wanted, I would get. This has been my experience. In advance of my upcoming sober anniversary, I told my long and winding story of how I finally got sober on Factory Settings. So much of recovery requires the same tenacity that pursuing my dreams has required.
Whenever I questioned whether I’ll ever “make it” or when I didn’t see the point of being sober—there was only one thing I could do and it’s JUST KEEP GOING. I might end up getting exactly what I wanted. Perhaps I’ll end up with so much more than I could have ever imagined or something completely different—but giving up is never an option. Wherever you are today or however you’re feeling: Just keep going.
Thumbnail artwork by Lara Cullen.
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