I Reject The Duopoly - Politically Homeless
Real people, real letters, real problems, no solutions.
Politics these days have become so divided and divisive that it’s become the norm to view the other side of the aisle as “the enemy”. People are being told to “pick a side” and that there’s no room for middle ground. We here at Phetasy believe that there are a lot more people in the middle than politicians and the media would have us believe.
We’re collecting stories from the ever growing number of people who are finding themselves Politically Homeless and posting them here on Substack. If you have moved from conservative to liberal, or liberal to conservative, if you feel you’ve stayed in the same place and your party has swerved drastically away from you, if you had a moment that awakened you to the insanity and hypocrisy on both sides, if you keep your mouth shut anytime a political topic comes up because you’re afraid your opinion will cause you to lose friends or your job, you’re not as alone as you might think.
Our goal is to shine a light on people’s earnest, individual experiences and show them they’re not alone.
Some letters have been edited for clarity and brevity. If you’re politically homeless and would like to share your story, please email us at iampoliticallyhomeless@gmail.com. All submissions will remain anonymous.
Letter 60:
March 31, 2023
Always voted republican from the time I started voting in my 30s
Didn’t vote in 2016 because I despised both candidates
Voted for Trump in 2020 because how could I vote for a decrepit old man that can’t read a teleprompter or walk up or down stairs. I also cannot stand career politicians
I honestly don’t know what I’d do if it’s Trump/Biden again in 2024. I’ve grown apathetic towards politics. I reject the duopoly of republicans vs democrats. I dislike Mitch McConnell & Lindsay Graham as much as I do Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer.
If it’s Trump/Biden I’d either vote Trump or 3rd party. If DeSantis gets it I’ll vote for him. I can’t name a democrat candidate I’d be excited for or vote for. I absolutely love Tulsi Gabbard and would vote for her in a heartbeat.
Enjoy your be work! Saw a politically homeless bumper sticker on a car other day in Houston!
Update: I’m pretty excited about RFK Jr running as an independent.
Politically Homeless
I’m Politically Homeless #49, and I relate even more now than when I wrote it only months ago. I’ve spent far too many elections either voting against someone, voting 3rd party, or writing someone in. Can we not be embarrassed of our ‘leadership’? I’d choose anyone other than Biden or Trump. D or R, they’ve become mirror images. A choice between deranged and demented is not a choice! I’d vote for RFK, or DeSantis, or Gabbard, or anyone else, to break this pattern. Saying while there’s still free speech.
You and I sound similar. I am hoping for any other choice than Biden/Trump. Love Tulsi too and would vote for nearly any Republican at this point or RFK Jr. The Dems have lost their minds. Biden presidency is just too Weekend at Bernie's for me.