Yascha Mounk, author of The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power In Our Time , sits down with Bridget to discuss the rise of a set of ideas about race, gender, and sexual orientation in the last 10 years that have changed the world. They talk about his worries over getting cancelled for writing the book, how the topic is slightly less controversial than it was 12 months ago, why the stakes are very high, how separating kids at school based on race will probably result in more racism not less, the truth about the Covid vaccine distribution, the allure of the identity trap and why it is counterproductive. They also cover the danger of being reactionary when your own side turns on you, why we need to construct our own understanding of opposing racism and operate from the point of view of our own principles and ideals, being accused of both-sidesism, the cultural appropriation debate, why we’re going to be in this fight for the next 20 to 25 years, Yascha's definition of "woke," and how writing the book has given him greater clarity for how to articulate his own ideals.
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