Comedian and Dumpster Fire writer Dave Yates, sits down with Bridget for a long overdue conversation about comedy, addiction, sobriety, and making peace with a brain that is mean to you. They cover Dave's entrance into comedy when he quit drinking because he needed something to keep him busy, why the worst thing that can happen to you is doing well the first time you do stand up, how he stopped letting the job define him, the reality of pursuing stand up comedy and factoring in the possibility that you might wind up homeless, and why comedy is a mental illness factory. They also discuss why wanting to kill yourself when you quit drinking is probably a sign you should quit drinking, trying to work smarter, being of service to those in front of you, learning to be gentle to yourself, why you never negative self-talk your way into better behavior, and learning to love the parts of yourself that aren’t the best. Check out Dave @yatescomedy on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, and buy some of his excellent hot sauce at
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