Jennifer Briney, host of the Congressional Dish podcast, sits down with Bridget to talk about her mission to read the bills and laws passed by Congress, to find out what is being done with our taxes, explain what is hidden in bills over 1000 pages long, and to create a community of people who were interested in Congress’s effect on our lives. They cover how living abroad during the US invasion of Iraq got Jen interested in how the media was covering the war, how she started looking for media that would tell her the truth but couldn't find it so she started watching CSPAN, and her shock at hearing things discussed on the House floor that she thought would be massive scandals but weren’t even being discussed in blogs, all of which led her to starting the podcast. They discuss how the "bosses" for both parties are really multi-national corporations, how in lockstep both parties are when it comes to war, the impossibility of leaving your bias at the door and how she deals with it, and why she's enthusiastic because independents like herself are making a living in media and not toeing the corporate line.
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