Kathleen Madigan has been a comic for more than 30 years. She takes a break from her Do You Have Any Ranch tour to sit down with Bridget and discuss their similar upbringings in large Irish Catholic families - which is basically like growing up in a roast battle - wondering what was wrong with small families and people who don't have cousins in every city, the fine art of speed eating, and why Kathleen is the expendable one in her family because she doesn't have kids. They cover when your Twitter account renders you unemployable, why TikTok feels like a bunch of coke heads, why you shouldn't be getting medical advice from comedians, and at what age you should kill your parents. For more information about Kathleen's tour schedule and her podcast, Madigans Pubcast, visit her website - kathleenmadigan.com.

Walk-Ins Welcome with Bridget Phetasy
Bridget Phetasy admires grit and authenticity. On Walk-Ins Welcome, she talks about the beautiful failures and frightening successes of her own life and the lives of her guests. She doesn’t conduct interviews—she has conversations. Conversations with real people about the real struggle and will remind you that we can laugh in pain and cry in joy but there’s no greater mistake than hiding from it all. By embracing it all, and celebrating it with the stories she’ll bring listeners, she believes that our lowest moments can be the building blocks for our eventual fulfillment.
Bridget Phetasy admires grit and authenticity. On Walk-Ins Welcome, she talks about the beautiful failures and frightening successes of her own life and the lives of her guests. She doesn’t conduct interviews—she has conversations. Conversations with real people about the real struggle and will remind you that we can laugh in pain and cry in joy but there’s no greater mistake than hiding from it all. By embracing it all, and celebrating it with the stories she’ll bring listeners, she believes that our lowest moments can be the building blocks for our eventual fulfillment.Listen on
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